Friday, June 24, 2011

And here we are!

Hello loves! Sorry to be such a terrible updater, I guess, with Facebook, I just get a bit laid back with updating here. Still, this has always been geared for ourselves and our family, and is a more precise documentation of our lives together, and so it will be updated, even if not as often as I would like it to be.

Anyway! We went to new England a couple weeks back for Raffi's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and big, we stayed the night at the hotel, without Auden, enjoyed an open bar, saw Tim and Kat, spent time with Ali and Justice, and of course enjoyed spending not enough time with Mom and Dad Sellers. We saw some people, didn't get to see others, And we really can't wait to get back up north. Or back to Philly to visit. I am really aiming for something in the fall...

We have a home, we are pretty much settled. I even resorted our filing cabinet! We have a yard, we cut the grass with our own lawn mower, I planted a vegetable garden and sunflowers. I start school, officially in January, but will probably be taking some pre reqs online I the fall. Starbucks is Starbucks, and I really couldn't ask for a better job during this Big transitional period of our life.

I think we are hoping to move back to the burbs of Philly in about four or five years, with at least one of us having our masters/certification. We are thinking we will rent for a couple years, the jump into the pool of commitment and responsibility that is buying a house. Of course, these are pretty broad plans, give or take a couple years. I there's on thing we've learned, it's that you cant rely too much on your own plans, so you have to be flexible in order to thrive.

We are thriving now.

Enjoy these videos of the last two months!

(OK! These aren't exactly in any order, but all within these last two months or so.)
