Monday, February 22, 2010

34.5 week ultrasound!

Hello! We got another sonogram today. Since I've been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, I've been testing my blood sugars somewhat regularly and cutting lots of carbs out of my diet. The only big risk with gestational diabetes is that the baby might get too big in while in the belly, meaning that I might need an early scheduled c section.
So today's ultrasound was to make sure that Auden isn't becoming a fatty, and that I am doing an OK job with my new diet. And fortunately, everything is looking great!
She has a good brain and good organs and a heart that pumps A LOT and she is actually a little (not in a bad way!) smaller than average. This is probably because I am a petite little person, and so the baby can't be too big.

So! Good news. Looks like we'll be having a solid baby.

We're hoping for a March baby. Keep your fingers crossed! :)


  1. Good to hear!! Solid babies are better than not solid babies (liquid, gaseous, etc.)


    love you two (THREE!! who am I kidding?) so much,

  2. Glad to hear your good news! I hope Auden becomes a fatty when she comes out though! Fatty as in good healthy baby chubba chubs!!!! Baby rolls are the cutest!

    Lots of love from the P-R's!

    PS. I'm still working on funzies for Auden! I have a couple things done, and may just send you more than one package because I'm too excited to get them to you to wait! :-D
